The Philippines government department’s sports regulatory body requested the WBO to review the fight after Pacquiao said the decision was unfair.
The WBO set up a panel of independent and anonymous judges, who were asked to watch the bout without sound and determine who won each round.
The results were tabulated to show clearly the rounds each fighter won using an average scale based on 60, 80 and 100%, with three of the five officials needing to be in agreement.
‘Upon the analysis, the findings stated that Pacquiao won the 3rd, the 8th and 9th by 100%; the 5th round was won by 80%; and the 11th round by 60%,’ the WBO said in a statement.
‘Horn won the 1st, 6th and 12th rounds by 100%; rounds 2, 4, and 7 by 80%; and then, the 10th round by 60%.
‘From the results, it can be established that Pacquiao won five rounds while Horn won seven rounds.
‘Based on this analysis, Jeff Horn was the winner of the bout.’
Photo: Patrick Hamilton/AFP Photo