Venter gives rugby indaba the thumbs-up

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  • Post published:October 26, 2016

Brendan Venter says a number of practical, technically driven solutions aimed at addressing the shortcomings within SA rugby came out of last week’s SA rugby coaching indaba.

Venter facilitated the two-day gathering in Cape Town last week, and in his column for Vodacom Rugby, he insisted that the wheels were successfully set in motion to make South African rugby a force to be reckoned with once again.

‘For my money, the most important elements to emanate from the indaba was the way in which the assembled role-players contributed and the openness to proceedings.

‘A recurring theme was how ego-less the personnel in the room were. It was refreshing that all involved showed up with an attitude of: “What can I do for SA rugby instead of what can SA rugby do for me?” because that has not proved to be the case in the past.

‘Furthermore, I was extremely impressed with how many good ideas came to the fore during the gathering, and all the contributions were fantastic … We have now started with a skeleton and, as time goes by, we will add meat to the bones.’

Full column

Photo: Luigi Bennett/BackpagePix